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Independent Publisher for Independent Authors

We appreciate how challenging it can be to write a novel and the amount of time and energy it takes to complete the task. We also know how deeply invested authors are in their work. Short on Time Books (SoTB) was founded to help independent authors expose their work to enthusiastic readers. We partner with authors to bring their stories into the marketplace. We recognize the passion it takes to produce a manuscript, and we try to have equal passion in polishing that work so it is publication-ready. Our goal at SoTB is to help our authors bring their vision to life on the printed and virtual page.

You Write, We Publish

Writing is challenging enough without having to worry preparing a manuscript for publication. SoTB brings together a team to help prepare a book for the market. We have assembled a professional team for editing, layout, cover design, and marketing so that the author can focus on the writing. We take the greatest care in preparing our books because each author's success contributes to the success of SoTB. Our royalty-paying publishing company was founded as a family business, and we consider all of our authors to be a member of our extended family.

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